ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@1:229/2 to
All on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 10:09:39
Sábado, 19 de Septiembre, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
BAPTIZED in water, YOU are our FATHER’S HOLY-SEED filled with love, prosperity and endless-richness forever:
The time came, when our heavenly Father was ready to transfer His Son Jesus Christ continuous sacrifice that had taken place in heaven’s glory before the
angelical hosts, but now, He needed to transfer it to the land that He had chosen to have His
children born because He was to start a new earth with them, in Canaan, His modern paradise. For this is the tree of life that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that Adam and Eve had failed to eat from it, so they may have life in abundance to
live with our heavenly Father along with His holy name fires in His home-sweet-home thus He may conquer new glories unseen before.
This is when, our heavenly Father found Abraham willing to believe in His words
of life that He had given to him to find out if He was worthy to love, serve and glorify Him with His Son Jesus Christ that was about to be born in Canaan as his only child
Isaac, thus to become the tree of life for the nations forever. For this is our
heavenly Father’s divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the tree of life, giving life not only to his son Adam but also to Eve and the children
born through generations ahead, for they were to live in His perfect holiness forever thus to conquer new richness through eternity in His new earth.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to transfer His Son Jesus Christ continuous sacrifice that had started in heaven’s glory before the angelical hosts as witnesses, because now He needed to install it in Canaan’s heart as the heart of the earth,
so His children may become reborn into His new kingdom of eternal love forever sanctified in His divine nature—His holy seed. Really, our heavenly Father had to have Abraham receiving the rock of salvation, because he was to sacrifice three lambs with
their halves facing each other along with two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood, for He was to return to him with the tree of life that is His children born through the coming generations filling the earth with His eternal
This is the tree of life that was in our heavenly Father’s hands burning with
fires on top of it, because His Son Jesus Christ was going to be born from Sarah’s sterile womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers along with the children from Israel and the
families of the nations as well, forming His new kingdom of eternal love and endless richness. For this is our heavenly Father new kingdom of His eternal love for His children from Israel and the families, where the father’s love returns to the
children’s love, and the loves of the children's returns to the love of the fathers, thus to love, serve and worship His holy name fires each day over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan throughout eternity.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to expiate, judge and cover their sins with the three lambs that our heavenly Father had called Abraham to execute over the rock of salvation, spilling with atoning-blood, so He may walk between
their halves with his
children to liberate them from sin with His divine nature at last forever into everlasting. Considering that, our heavenly Father had had already His Son Jesus Christ slain before the foundation of the world, because He needed to restart life eternal
again with His children upon earth, so He may finally not only descend to live with them forever loved in His divine nature but also the entire kingdom of heaven’s glory may descend finally entirely into Canaan.
For that reason: our heavenly Father had to have had Abraham sacrificing tree lambs over the rock of salvation with their halves facing each other along with
two uncut birds, because His children were coming to Canaan with His divine nature, staring with
Isaac, possessing it as His divine seed thus knowing only His everlasting-love for them through eternity, starting in your home now. Surely, it was important for our heavenly Father not only to sit with Abraham along with his 318 adoptive children,
bought with money from outsiders, because He needed to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that were His tree of life in paradise’s epicenter for the angelical hosts but also for His children on earth now.
Accordingly, our heavenly Father needed to have His tree of life born in Canaan
by the Holy Spirit’s powers from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, so he may become the fruit of life, the sacred-seed, the bread and wine for Him and His children to eat
from Him His divine nature, giving birth to His children without sin in Canaan,
starting with Isaac. Truly, once our heavenly Father had eaten with Abraham and
his adoptive children from the bread and wine that is always served by His Son Jesus Christ,
because He is the Lamb of God slain since the foundation of the world, then, he
could be born as Isaac but also his children, including you these days—for you need to be in Canaan.
This is to be reborn from our heavenly Father’s divine seed that is Isaac’s
sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood filled with His eternal life that has defeated Satan, sin, curses, infirmities, poverty, death and hell’s torment
along with the entire world and the enemies that you may have in it, so you may
see life again these days with endless richness from Canaan. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed His children to be born without any relation to sin in Canaan, His home-
sweet-home, so He may be able to live with each of them His eternal life that is filled with amazing richness born from His holy loving heart for each one of
them forever, real richness never seeing by the angelical hosts until now.
Therefore, once our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from
Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers then His divine nature began to exist upon earth, ready to destroy every work from Satan and his fallen angels along with
the angel of death that had taken into hell’s torments the entire human race already. Really, our heavenly Father now had powers from His divine nature living upon earth, specially in Canaan, where He could live His eternal life victorious against
Satan and death, but also, He was able to live His eternal life with His children born through the generations from the families of the nations, starting with Israel.
For our heavenly Father needed to know if He was going to find sin in His children as He lived His eternal life with Abraham and the adoptive children, in Canaan, finally finding that sin fails to exist in them from the families of
the nations along with
Abraham’s promised children, children reborn through coming generations only knowing His amazing love for them forever. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to live His eternal life with Abraham and His children from Israel and
the families of the nations, in Canaan, so He may know them entirely for the things that they may need in life thus to supply them with His holy heart’s love and Canaan’s endless richness as well.
This was the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father needed to pour upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood for His children from Israel and the families of the nations to enjoy His unfailing-love as well His endless
richness that He was going to dress them with thus making them as perfect and holy as He is forever in heaven’s glory. However, first our heavenly Father needed Abraham to have lived His eternal life not only with Him and the Holy Spirit, but also, He
needed to have lived it with each of His children from Israel and the families of the nations, so He may know them along with their especial needs that they will need through life thus He may supply them always.
This is something that our heavenly Father had to do it with Abraham and every child from Israel and the families of the nations within in Canaan, because He can only know them within His holy ground, His home-sweet-home, that is the cradle of His divine
nature, where sin has always failed to exist through eternity thus starting His
new kingdom of endless love. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s
powers in Canaan, so He may have each of His children reborn through the generations with His divine nature thus returning to Him and His eternal life of endless glories, richness and perfect holiness through eternity.
For this is Canaan chosen for our heavenly Father to be the cradle of His new earth, where His children will become reborn by the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism, invoking the perfect holiness of His name instantly, so they may return to Him
and His endless unfailing-love from His holy heart for each of them throughout eternity. For this is how our heavenly Father will have His children returning to His divine nature from where they were initially born from His image to live
conforming to
His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness that is the sacred-flesh without sin, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood only knowing Him with His amazing love that He has always felt for them forever throughout eternity.
Moreover, this is how: our heavenly Father will also filter the image and nature of Lucifer and his fallen angels that they may have received as Adam and
Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so they may become
again His children born from His image as perfect and holy as He is forever through eternity. For our heavenly Father needs every man, woman and child from
Israel and from the families of the nations reborn from His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh,
unbreakable bones and atoning-blood, so they may live in His divine nature thus
to become accepted and recognized by Him, His Holy Spirit but also recognized by the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, as His legitimate children.
Therefore, you must be reborn baptized as you submerge into your bathtub at home, filled with water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then you will exchange the sinful-flesh
and the spirit of
error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit to be perfect and holy as our Father is forever. Presently, our heavenly Father is looking to have a new kingdom filled with His unfailing-love that He has always cherished in His holy
heart for His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also, for His children born from His image and living-soul, beginning with Adam and Eve, so they may enter into His new earth living in His perfect holiness throughout eternity.
Now, for this happen upon earth, starting in Canaan, then, our heavenly Father had to have had His Son Jesus Christ slain since the foundation of the world in
heaven’s glory before His angelical hosts, because he was descending as the tree of life that
his brothers and sisters needed to eat the bread and wine thus to enter eternal
life forever blessed. Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ established as the tree of life in the epicenter of Canaan, by been born from Sarah’
s barren-womb as Isaac with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood to defeat Satan and death not only in His home-sweet-home but also in the heart of the earth only with His divine nature through eternity.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed His tree of life granting to eat from the
fruit of life that is His bread and wine to his brothers and sisters, from Israel and the families of the nations, so they may have their sins forgiven, but also, they may
escape hell’s torment thus entering eternal life forever blessed with His divine nature in heaven’s glory. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham sacrificing three lambs with their halves facing other along with
two uncut doves over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, because
He was to walk between their divided-parts: expiating, judging and forgiving every sin from the entire human race forever with the cross, His children, you and I now.
If truth be told: this is the tree of life from where Adam and Eve were called to eat from the fruit of life, so they may continue to live their eternal life with our heavenly Father in paradise, because they were called to love, serve and glorify Him
with His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, forever into eternity. This is the tree of His divine nature that is really His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because His Son was the first to be born as Isaac from Sarah’s
barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then lastly, he was born again from David’s virgin daughter with His holy name fires to be loved, honored and glorified forever by His children.
In history, you were in the wood along with Israel and the families of the nations that needed to walk with our heavenly Father through the halves of the three lambs that Abraham had sacrificed over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, so
you may have your sins forgiven forever only to know His unfailing-love, powers
and endless-richness with His divine nature. In other words, our heavenly Father had you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, walking with Him with the torch
that is the tree of life expiating, judging and forgiving your sins over the saving-rock, so you may eat from the bread and wine that grants you His divine nature thus you may be always perfect and holy through life.
[continued in next message]
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