ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@1:229/2 to
All on Monday, May 04, 2020 09:55:04
Sábado, 02 de Mayo, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The time had come for our heavenly Father to create a new kingdom that He will fill with His amazing unfailing love that He has always felt abundantly for His
Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that He thought only of His children born from His image
and His living-soul, thus they may become one with Him—trusting Him through eternity. This is when, our heavenly Father said to His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit let us descend to create man in our image and likeness, so he may be as we are
knowing good and evil filling the entire Creation with them, conquering new glories, sanctities and never ending happiness, pleasing His amazing holy heart
with new endless-glories through eternity.
For our heavenly Father needed to please His holy heart with amazing glories, powers, sanctities and endless happiness untouched by Lucifer and his fallen angels, because He was very hurt to see sin in His angelical kingdom that He could only think of
creating a new one, but with children born from Him, and this is you and I, starting with Adam and Eve. For Lucifer along with one-third of the angelical kingdom had gone with him, believing that he could take on our heavenly Father’s holy name fires
thus not only to take over the kingdom of heaven along with the angelical hosts, but also for him to be exalted exceedingly over heavenly places with even greater glories than ever before.
For Lucifer really thought that he could take on our heavenly Father’s holy name fires from His altar over mount Zion, so he may have the entire angelical kingdom following him not only to take over the kingdom of heaven but also create a new one thus
to further his wicked will into eternity, living his sinful-life as his wicked heart desired blindly forever. However, because of Lucifer’s wicked heart rebellious against our heavenly Father and His holy name fires over His altar of His perfect
unfailing-love along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, hell’s torments were born for him to descend there forever cursed along with the angelical hosts following him thus they may be separated from heaven’s glory finally forever.
This is when, Lucifer became Satan, the adversary of our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts but also of his children
born through future generations, so he may attack them as he attacked initially
His holy name
fires and the angelical hosts that love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fires through eternity until now. That is to say, that because of Lucifer’s wicked heart rebellious against our heavenly Father and His holy name fires along with His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, the heart of the earth became as wicked
as Lucifer’s wicked heart to be filled with fires finally for sin to be destroyed in one day with perfect truth and justice into eternity.
For this is the life that Lucifer along with his fallen angels had met by rebelling against our heavenly Father and His holy name fires manifesting itself in the earth’s heart, where sin had to be destroyed finally along with
Lucifer and the fallen
angels thus He may start His new earth filled with His unfailing-love born from
His holy heart into eternity. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed Satan defeated in his own wicked heart manifested in heaven’s glory along with the fallen angels
finally to end in the earth’s heart, as hell’s torments, where Lucifer along with his fallen angels had been condemned already to die there by been toss into the lake of fire as the second death never to see life again through eternity.
Moreover, this is something that Lucifer already knew along with his fallen angels that they had been defeated, judged and condemned forever to eternal perdition not only in hell’s torment but also finally to be tossed into the lake of fire, so they
will fail to return to the angelical glorious life that they once knew in heaven’s glory. For Lucifer will love to return to the angelical life that he
once enjoyed with the fallen angels, when they were holy in our heavenly Father’s presence and
that of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they really enjoyed love, peace and glory totally opposite to what they are living now away from heaven’s glory and Canaan as well.
Consequently, Lucifer is in Canaan living next to the Israelis and the Jewish people, because he thinks that by staying in holy ground then he cannot only block the blessings that are there for Israel and the families of the nations—but also, he can
intent to become one with them to return to the glorious angelical life that once he valued in heaven. That is why, that Lucifer along with the fallen angels in their different ranks of power knows very well that they are not only
defeated, judged and
condemned forever to descend into hell’s torment but also they know that their final stop in their wicked lives is the lake of fire, so they may fail to
see life again through eternity.
This is the reason that Satan is not willing to let Canaan go for the Israelis,
because this is his final hope to enter somehow into eternal life that he once enjoyed in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, because Canaan is our heavenly Father’s
new kingdom of His amazing eternal love for His children throughout the earth. This is His new kingdom of His eternal love for His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and now Israel along with the families of the
nations that they
had become one seed, on tree, one cross forever victoriously over sin throughout the earth, starting from its heart that is now His holy heart filled
with everyone’s eternal life.
Therefore, since Lucifer along with the fallen angels knows that they have been
defeated, judged and condemned to descend into hell’s torment that is his own
wicked heart rebellious against our heavenly Father and His holy name fires along with His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, he can only continue to rebel against Him and His children until he finally dies. For Adam had been born from our heavenly Father’s image to live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness only to know the Holy Spiritâ€
™s glories that will cause him to love, serve and worship His holy name fires at His altar at Mount Zion as always in heaven’s glory and upon earth as well
thus given birth to His new kingdom lastly.
For our heavenly Father had given birth from His holy heart not only Adam but also Eve that needed to be born from him, and this is the sacred-flesh or His Son’s likeness, and so, He put him to sleep, creating the woman for his children to be born
through coming generations thus to love, serve and worship His holy name fires forever. Lovingly: Our heavenly Father put Adam to sleep, because He needed to pull one of his ribs, so He may not only give birth to Eve that was in him but also the children,
and so, with the fifth rib in His hands He formed Eve and each of His children
to become as perfect and holy as He is forever in paradise.
For our heavenly Father had given birth to Adam in His perfect holiness along with Eve and the children, so they may live with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: loving, serving and worshipping His holy name fires that needed to be exalted by
them over the earth forever glorious, since Lucifer and the fallen angels had attacked it. For this is the new kingdom that our heavenly Father needed to begin with Adam and Eve so their children may live through coming generations: loving, serving and
worshipping His holy name fires at His altar, to destroy Lucifer’s sin, curses and darkness, but also, create His new kingdom born from His holy heart giving always abundantly love, joys and happiness to His children.
That is why, that as you may kneel to pray before our heavenly Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, then, you are loved mightily by His holy heart that is not only in His chest but also it is under Canaan, growing towards you with endless love,
richness and prosperity that makes your heart extremely happy along with your loved ones. Therefore, Lucifer understood our heavenly Father’s plan to create a new kingdom, but without him and his fallen angels, because this will be a new kingdom with
His eternal life thriving within His children, failing always to know sin but only love, service and glory to His holy name fires, conquering new glories untouched by evil before for His new Creation.
This is when, Lucifer tried his best from his wicked wisdom to approach Adam thus to cause him to believe in him and his lies as the fallen angels had believed in him blindly, because they were ready to lie down their lives to help him create his kingdom
by taking over our heavenly Father’s holy name fires to exalt himself forever. Understanding that, if Lucifer could hold onto every man, woman and child with his forbidden fruit and the spirit of error then he could also try to possess it again for his
kingdom of darkness throughout the earth, so he may finally defeat our heavenly
Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts thus reentering in heaven’s glory finally victorious.
Surely, this is something that it is totally impossible, because our heavenly Father has granted Israel and the families of the nations baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, powers from the oath sworn to Isaac that Lucifer has
failed to figure them out until this day—for these are powers protecting Canaan, His holy name and His children forever. Nevertheless, Lucifer was unable to approach Adam, because he was created in our heavenly Father’s image to live in His Son Jesus
Christ’s likeness that is the sacred-flesh and filled with the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts, therefore, he had the mind of God and His amazing wisdom consequently an approach towards him thus to deceive him, it was impossible.
However, Lucifer was able to approach the weak side of Adam that it was his fifth rib, so he may get to him, and this was Eve, because she had a friend that was more friendly towards evil than to her and Adam, and so, she was deceived by the serpent that
thought that Lucifer could exalt himself higher than ever before. Lucifer had deceived Eve, by causing her to believe that she could eat along with Adam and the children from the fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when our heavenly
Father had warned them never to eat from it, because as they may then they will
die—meaning that they will live a different life to His life eternal.
For our heavenly Father needed not only Adam and Eve but also the children to take on His holy name fires over the altar at Mount Zion, thus to love, serve and worship it along with the angelical hosts that had always served Him, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit through eternity, because He certainly needed them to conquer new glories. For these are glories that the fallen angelical hosts had failed to conquer them, because they could only be conquered by His divine family that
is His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the faithful angelical host, but now everyone else, as Adam and Eve along with the children living though coming generations forever enriched in heaven’s glory and in eternal life.
Now, Lucifer was able to have Eve deceived by the serpent, as she was told that
she could eat from the forbidden fruit, so she can have her eyes opened to know
good and evil just as the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit know
good and evil,
and so, she with Adam could be as divinely as they are forever. However, Eve did not only eat from the forbidden fruit but also Adam along with the children
from future generations, therefore, everyone was now living a life that was totally different
from our heavenly Father’s eternal life, granted unto them already in paradise, because this was an evil and rebellious life against His holy name fires leading to death in hell’s torment.
That is why, that because Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, then, not only Adam
sinned but also the children born through coming generations, and so, our heavenly Father removed them from His glorious eternal life that they were already enjoying in
paradise to live a life with death on earth, given that from the dust they emerged then they must return to it. For our heavenly Father needed them returning to dust as from where they were taken initially to dress His image, living-soul and life granted
unto them born from Him to live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness, filled with His Holy Spirit’s perfect will executed perfectly well throughout heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts and now upon earth with His coming children.
Nevertheless, for this to be possible then our heavenly Father needed to have them reborn again thus to abandon the sinful-flesh, the forbidden fruit, the spirit of error and death for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, so they may
return to life
eternal in paradise—and this is Canaan, His home-sweet-home only to live in perfect love, worship, prosperity and glory with endless-happiness. These are our heavenly Father’s children as Adam and Eve along with you and I reborn from the earth, as
from where He had taken a handful of dust to dress His image, living-soul and life granted unto us divinely as we came out from Him, so we may return to heaven’s glory without sin and forever enriched with Canaan’s glory throughout eternity.
[continued in next message]
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