• =?UTF-8?Q?=28IV=C3=81N=29=3A_The_FATHER_has_GRANTED_you_His_entire_PERF

    From ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, July 28, 2019 21:05:53
    Sábado, 27 de Julio, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

    The FATHER has GRANTED you His entire PERFECT WILL forever, BAPTIZED in water only:

    Indeed, our heavenly Father was ready to receive His first sacrifices offering from Abraham that had sit at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ that was serving, so He may have finally His only Son born
    as Isaac from
    Sarah’s barren-womb, because He was set to deliver His perfect will upon earth at last. For our heavenly Father had established a covenant of life with Abraham already, where he will continue to eat the bread and wine with his promised children born
    with His perfection and with His holiness thus they may live His eternal life that is the oath sworn to Isaac, where His perfect will be established upon humankind finally through coming generations.

    Now, our heavenly Father had promised Abraham’s children as numerous as the stars from heaven above, because they will descend to populate the earth with His perfection and with His holiness just as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have lived
    them throughout the angelical kingdom, since its creation, so He may finally establish His perfect will upon earth. Considering that, our heavenly Father was looking to establish a new earth through the old one, by having Abraham’s
    children born with
    His perfection and with His holiness thus they may finally live His eternal life just as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts live it successfully always, throughout the angelical kingdom.

    However, our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit already living His eternal life with Abraham and his children born through the generations, because He was determined to destroy Satan and death in the last days thus He
    may establish His new earth with His perfect will thriving with the families of
    the nations forever. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father
    to have Abraham along with adoptive children to eat the bread and wine, served by His Son
    Jesus Christ at the Lord’s Table, so His only Son may be born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, but also finally to secure His altar of His eternal unfailing-love for humankind.

    But, this altar of His unfailing-love for His children from the families of the
    nations needed to be established in Canaan, because this is the chosen land for
    His eternal life to thrive not only throughout Israel but also the families of the nations,
    because He was determined to baptize with water and baptize with His Holy Spirit the entire earth ultimately. That is to say, that our heavenly Father was looking forward to baptize every man, woman and child not only from Israel but also from the
    families of the nations by invoking the perfect holiness of His name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may baptize them with His Holy Spirit finally to enter into His eternal life.

    Besides, our heavenly Father had already baptized the entire earth in the days of Noah, because the families of the nations of those days were suffering terrible violence everywhere in the land, therefore, it was impossible for Him to baptize the earth
    with water and the Holy Spirit, so they may change their sinful ways towards Him in heaven’s glory. Certainly, in Noah’s days our heavenly Father needed
    to pour His Holy Spirit upon the families of the nations, but, this was impossible, because
    violence was just about everywhere in the nations, and He just failed continually to pour His Holy Spirit upon people, and so, He had to call the flow, baptizing the entire earth for violence to stop finally.

    Timely, our heavenly Father had the flow gates open in heaven and the flow gates open from under the earth, so the water level of the oceans may rise above the mountains thus the air and oxygen will cease to circulate normally for people and animal alike
    to perish, starting a new earth, where He can baptize it finally with His Holy Spirit. Therefore, in Noah’s days our heavenly Father destroyed all-flesh, animal and men alike, with His great waters descending from heaven above and ascending from under
    the earth, because He needed to abolish the sinful-flesh offending Him with evil-words from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so He may replace them with His only Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh entirely.

    That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to grant His servant
    Abraham His rock of salvation, so he may sacrifice three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood, because He was
    going to have His children born in captivity for four-hundred years thus He may
    finally destroy Lucifer and death lastly. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed to bless Abraham and his wife Sarah with a newly born from her barren-womb by the Holy Spiritâ
    €™s power, and this is Isaac introducing into the human family: the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that He needed over His altar of His unfailing-love, in Canaan, for the salvation of the entire earth finally.

    This is our Lord Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, because
    he not only needed to introduce into humankind the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, but also, he needed to live our heavenly Father’s eternal life
    that Jacob along with the promised children born through the generations may live it successfully, for humankind finally to become blessed supernaturally. Timely, our Lord Jesus Christ born as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s power from Sarah’s barren-womb
    with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, then, he needed to be the first-one to live our heavenly Father’s eternal life with Abraham and his wife Sarah along with the adoptive children, so the promised children may live it
    successfully through the coming generations.

    Our heavenly Father needed to have had had His Son living His eternal life along with Spirit just as they had lived it with Him in heaven’s glory along with the angelical hosts, because He was looking forward to transfer His entire
    kingdom of His
    amazing richness upon earth, but, it needed to be in a new earth without Satan and death, forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to live His eternal life with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within Abraham’s family, so He may
    know, and begin to experience, the glories to live with His children the daily blessings of His holy heart, executing His perfect will as usual, as with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory.

    Therefore, as our heavenly Father lived with Abraham and his wife Sarah along with the adoptive children, neighbors and friends from near and far, then, He could see that everyone, beginning with Abraham, they had lived His eternal life along with its
    daily blessing successfully, and so, He could see that He could really establish His new earth upon the old one finally. However, our heavenly Father had to start everything, as He would create the new earth, with His holy heart perfect holiness reaching
    the earth’s heart, so He may finally destroy Satan and death along with every
    fallen angel at hell’s gate by establishing His rock of salvation along next to it with Abraham’s three sacrifices along with two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood.

    Now, for this to begin to develop thus to create His new earth where the entire
    human race will return to life thus to live His eternal life along with His Son
    Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, He had to pour His entire holy heart’s perfect will
    upon earth, but, this had to happen over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah. That is why, that after our heavenly Father had lived successful His eternal life along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in Abraham’s
    family, then, He was
    ready to call Abraham to the mountaintop to take his only son Isaac that he had
    learned to love so-much through the years to offer him as a burnt offering unto
    heaven’s glory.

    During these days, our heavenly Father was ready to receive from Abraham his son Isaac as a burnt offering over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, because He was very pleased to have lived with Abraham and his neighbors and friends from near and
    far, therefore, He was ready to transfer His holy heart’s greatness entirely from heaven’s glory upon earth’s heart finally. This was something that our
    heavenly Father would have loved to have done it during the days of Noah, but, the people in
    those days were too-violent, therefore, it was impossible for Him to establish a covenant of life, as He did with Abraham by eating the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ’s hands at the Lord’s Table.

    Unfortunately, our heavenly Father just failed continually to see where He could pour His holy heart upon men, so He may start a covenant of life with the
    earth that the only solution that He saw possible was water baptism, so He may have peace with
    humankind finally to find a place where He may pour His holy heart’s perfect will entirely. Now, with the water baptism that our heavenly Father had to have
    had with the entire earth, then, He was ready to restart life with humankind, so He may finally
    begin by pouring His entire perfect will from heaven’s glory upon earth, so every man, woman and child from the families of the nations may have it wholly,
    thus possessing it through eternity.

    Therefore, our heavenly Father by baptizing the earth in water in Noah’s days, then, He did it not only to destroy every sinful-flesh from the families of the nations, but also, He had an open door to establish a covenant of life with Abraham
    displaying His rock of salvation with three sacrifices and two uncut doves finally to expiate for every sin forever. Considering that, without the baptism
    of the entire earth with water, then, our heavenly Father would have continued to have problems
    with the sinful-flesh in every man, woman and child: thus, He would have failed
    to pour His holy heart’s perfect will from heaven’s glory upon earth, moreover, the pouring of His Holy Spirit would have also failed entirely.

    Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to baptize the earth in Noah’s days, so He may eat with Abraham the bread and wine at the Lord’s Table, served daily by His Son Jesus Christ to the angelical hosts thus to maintain them perfect
    and holy just as He told Abraham that he must become perfect and holy to see life again. Now, by our heavenly Father eating the bread and wine with Abraham at the Lord’s Table, daily served by His Son Jesus Christ to the angelical host thus to maintain
    them perfect and holy, then, he began to serve every man, woman and child the bread and wine as His divine nature thus becoming perfect and holy to see life again finally.

    This is our heavenly Father’s covenant of life needed to be established with the families of the nations, and He started with Abraham’s family, blessing them with promised children living through the generations, so He may not only expand His holy
    name’s glories over Jerusalem’s holy hill, but also, finally pour His Spirit upon all-flesh for His perfect will to thrive worldwide, progressively. This is our heavenly Father’s will born from His holy heart’s perfect holiness pouring upon His
    Son and the Holy Spirit as Isaac over Mount Zion, resting at Moriah, that Abraham finally offered his only son as a burnt offering, because His burning holy heart for His will to be done upon earth was to be poured upon every living-soul through coming

    This is when our heavenly Father had been looking forward to see His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so He may finally pour His entire perfect will upon earth just as it is done in
    heaven’s glory
    by His angelical hosts thus for humankind may live it with Him successfully through the coming eternity. Here, our heavenly Father not only granted unto us
    His Son Jesus Christ as a burnt offering with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable
    bones and the
    atoning-blood manifested as Abraham’s only son Isaac lying over Jerusalem’s
    holy hill, resting at Moriah, but also, He granted unto us His perfect will entirely forever, so we may possess it throughout our days on earth.

    Definitely, this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will in each of us when we become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because, it is here, where He has transferred
    into our hearts,
    minds, living-soul, body and human spirit His entire perfect will as He has established it in heaven’s glory. It is just as the Ten Commandments given by
    our heavenly Father to Moses for Israel to possess it forever by assuring them that they will
    always fail to fulfill them, because they can only be obeyed and fulfilled through His divine nature, received directly from Him, as they may become reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name.

    Therefore, when our heavenly Father called Abraham to the mountaintop at Moriah, so he may offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory, then, it was for Him to pour His entire holy heart’s perfect will born naturally from
    Him thus we may obey it instantly forever throughout our days on earth, and well into eternity. Then, our heavenly Father manifested His daily perfect will
    not only to Abraham but also to his promised children born through the generations, because He
    told Abraham that his children were to be born in a foreign land, Egypt, where they will become captivated for four-hundred years, taking on the sins from the
    past, the present and the future of the world.

    [continued in next message]

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