• =?UTF-8?Q?=28IV=C3=81N=29=3A_The_entire_EARTH_baptized_with_YOU_in_wate

    From ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@1:229/2 to All on Monday, October 05, 2020 09:56:04
    Sábado, 03 de Octubre, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

    The entire EARTH baptized with YOU in water is the TEMPLE for HIS holy NAME fires forever:

    The day came, when our heavenly Father decided to live with His children already existing in Him as in His image, His living-soul, His eternal life and in His amazing holy heart’s joys, creating finally heaven and earth, so He may give birth to them,
    and then, live with them the endless happiness of His unfailing-love for them and His holy name fires. This is when, our heavenly Father began to think of you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends that He blessed them before even the foundation of the
    earth, because He needed to start life eternal with a new kingdom filled with His amazing love for His children, and this is the earth with you these days along with heaven’s glory entirely, as well.

    Really: This is a new world away from Lucifer and his fallen angels that had defied Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because he needed along with his wicked spirits to take control of His holy name fires that had always existed within His
    divine family through eternity only for His children, as you and I to inherit it forever. Truthfully, our heavenly Father never thought to grant His holy name fires to His created angels, because they will always fail to understand it, therefore it could
    only stay with His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and now His children born from Him as Adam and Eve along with the children to conquer new glories unseen before.

    These are glories that have never been seen by the angelical hosts that will fill His new earth with endless love, happiness, richness and glories for His holy name fires over Jerusalem holy hill, in Canaan, because He has to conquer new glories and
    honors with you that Lucifer tried to destroy in the angelical rebellion in heaven’s glory. For these are glories, honors and endless richness of His amazing-love that has emerged from His holy heart that only His children could conquer them forever,
    because they were born from His image, His living soul, His eternal life that can truly get to them throughout His Creation, starting with you and I upon earth these days.

    Categorically, the angelical hosts regardless of how powerful and glorious they
    may be, they will fail to conquer these glories, richness of endless happiness for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that He had to create heaven
    and earth, making it all possible with His children born from His holy heart as
    love is born from Him every day. Unconditionally, our heavenly Father is love that Lucifer along with the fallen angels failed to know in their days in heaven’s glory, as
    they were servants to His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they were the ones always protecting His holy name fires with our Father’s amazing-love that kept outsiders away from His divine family through eternity until now.

    That is why, that Lucifer along with the fallen angels failed to take on our heavenly Father’s Holy name as they tried their best, because they just fail to know the amazing powers enclosed in His unfailing-love for His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy
    Spirit and now His children that have inherited His Holy name’s endless-richness over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever, in Canaan. These are glories and endless richness that Lucifer along with the fallen angels would have loved to possess thus to
    create their kingdom that pleases their wicked-hearts forever into eternity, but, our heavenly Father had His holy name fires reserved for His children to enjoy through eternity, starting with you and your loved ones, neighbors and friends these days.

    As the Scriptures states: For our heavenly Father so-loved the world by giving His only begotten Son Jesus Christ that whoever may believe in him will fail to
    die but, instead, will live forever blessed by His amazing love for His holy name fires, given
    that, He send His Son to save the world with His children and not to condemn it. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to save what was lost to Lucifer and sin by establishing His holy name fires victorious over enemies, in Canaan:
    as Satan, fallen
    angels and death, so He may finally restore eternal life within His children by
    conquering the earth’s heart for the coming glories of His amazing love for His holy name fires in His kingdom of endless-love.

    However, for our heavenly Father to do this with His new heaven and earth, created for His new kingdom of endless-love, then, He had to pour His entire holy heart upon a family, but He needed to do it only within His divine family that is His Son Jesus
    Christ and the Holy Spirit, and so, He had to have Abraham serving Him. For our
    heavenly Father has His holy heart always renewing His amazing unfailing love for His children born from His image and living-soul in heaven’s glory, so they may enjoy
    glories along with endless richness already liberated for His holy name fires established over Jerusalem holy hill, in Canaan, that is a kingdom of His ever increasing love for human life throughout eternity.

    Surely, this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will that He had to pour from His holy heart upon Canaan, especially over Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable
    bones and the atoning-blood, because every man woman and child from Israel and the families was
    going to become dressed with His glorified-body, where sin fails to exist and our Father is loved throughout eternity with amazing richness. Fundamentally, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life defeating Satan, the fallen angels
    and death along
    with hell’s torment in the earth’s heart, so His children may become reborn
    from it with the amazing powers of His unfailing-love always lived through eternity: loving amazingly His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may
    be loved as well as
    they are forever.

    Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have transferred His Son
    Jesus Christ slain since the foundation of the world, starting in Canaan, because His divine family was going to be born in the midst of the families of the nations, giving
    birth to His children to enjoy His amazing life with endless-richness from His holy heart throughout eternity. For sure, you certainly have an eternal life in
    our heavenly Father poured from His holy heart for you to enjoy once you are reborn from the
    water baptism and the Holy Spirit, because it is a wonderful life that only thinks to love you and your loved ones with peace, glories, health and endless richness throughout the earth, starting in your hometown.

    It is here, that His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood filled with eternal life defeating Satan and death forever, but also, you were born along with
    your loved ones, neighbors and friends thus to live His eternal life filled with endless-richness enjoyed by Him through eternity until now. Furthermore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham sacrificing three lambs with their halves
    facing each other along with two uncut doves over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, thus for Him to expiate, judge and forgive every sin from the entire human race, so His Son Jesus Christ may be born in you with
    perfect salvation—as
    right now.

    Absolutely, our heavenly Father had to have His Son Jesus Christ born in Canaan
    from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit as Isaac, but also, He had to have him born in you and your loved ones, but victorious over Satan and death, thus for you to
    enjoy His life established over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever: so you may receive it with lasting-salvation finally. For this is where, our heavenly Father met Abraham with Isaac to declare him perfect and holy forever, but also, He will meet you with
    the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that Isaac used to defeat Satan, sin, death and hell’s torment thus you may be declared perfect and holy only to know life, love, well-being, prosperity and endless richness upon earth, starting at home.

    That is to say, that as you are called by our heavenly Father to water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then, it will be for you to ascend Jerusalem’s holy hill, where you will find
    the rock of salvation spilled with His atoning-blood with three sacrifices as well. Really, the salvation that our heavenly Father granted unto Abraham, as he was to sacrifice three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut doves
    over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, then, you are called as
    well to the same sacrifice to become saved over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so you may see life in eternity forever enriched.

    Consequently, just as Abraham was called to sacrifice three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds over the rock of salvation,
    spilled with atoning-blood, for His Son Jesus Christ to be born as Isaac in his
    life in Canaan,
    so he may ascend to Jerusalem holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, then you must do the same. Similarly, you must have the rock of salvation with three sacrifices spilling atoning-blood to be accepted by our heavenly Father in heaven’s glory, and this
    is His Son Jesus Christ reborn from David’s virgin daughter but also from the
    earth’s heart, the cross, escaping hell with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends thus to know only love, richness and life eternal forever.

    Truthfully, as our heavenly Father called Abraham sacrificing three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, then, it was for His Son Jesus Christ to
    become Isaac, His
    salvation-cross, from Sarah’s barren-womb that became His holy heart by the Holy Spirit, lifting him to Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, forever acceptable. Considering that, our heavenly Father had not only His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from
    Sarah’s barren-womb that had healed as His holy heart that is in His chest by
    the Holy Spirit, but also, Jacob was born along with Israel’s twelve patriarchs to have the entire house of Israel born in Egypt’s captivity to take on the sins of the

    Truly, with the rock of salvation along the three lambs sacrificed and their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds over the rock of salvation,
    spilled with atoning-blood, it was for His Son Jesus Christ to be born as his salvation cross
    that was Isaac along with Jacob and his children to take his sins to the baptism of the Red Sea. For ancient Israel was born in Egypt’s captivity taking on the sins that had cursed the families of the nations from the past and the future into hell’s
    torment, because they had to pay for the guilt of their sins moreover be punished for failing to become baptized in water, where our heavenly Father could have washed them clean from sin in one day.

    In history, this is ancient Israel born from Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood to take on the sins of the families of the nations that had descended into hell’s torment forever cursed, because they failed to remove their
    sins by invoking His perfect holiness in water baptism, so they may escape hell’s eternal perdition at last forever. Indeed, this was the cross taking on the sins not only from the families that had descended into hell’s torment
    forever cursed, but
    also, the cross took on the sins of Abraham and his children to be born through
    coming generations, so they may become washed clean from sin to live in His divine-seed that blesses them with endless richness from Canaan as always.

    Certainly, our heavenly Father had the cross taking on the families of the nations' sins that had descended into hell’s torment forever cursed, failing always to see life again through eternity, because they failed water baptism forever to please all
    truth and justice upon earth, and so, ancient Israel, as the cross, took their sins to the baptism of the Red Sea finally. Completing the four-hundred years of Egyptian captivity, then, ancient Israel, as the cross, born from Sarah’s barren-womb turned
    into His holy heart by the Holy Spirit, and so, not only Isaac will be born but
    also the entire house of Israel taking on the sins of Abraham but also of the families of the nations for lasting salvation at the Red Sea eternal baptism.

    After the four-hundred years of Egyptian captivity, then, our heavenly Father had Moses born condemn already by Pharaoh of Egypt, because he was male and probably the Hebrew Messiah, and so, he was abandoned by his mother to float over the Nile River,
    his water baptism, but his sister followed him, representing David’s virgin daughter that will give birth to him again in Canaan. Surely, Moses was called by our heavenly Father to ascend Mount Sinai, because he was giving His holy name fires for
    Israel thus to invoke its perfect holiness to destroy darkness, holding them in
    captivity for more than four-hundred years; and now, they needed to take Abraham’s sins along the families of the nations’ as well to the Red Sea baptism, abandoning them

    This is ancient Israel, as the cross, taking Abraham’s sins along with the families of the nations’ into the Red Sea water baptism thus to abandon them forever into hell’s torment, where these sins will finally release the lost souls to return to
    life: loving, serving and worshipping our heavenly Father and His holy name fires forever over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan. Then, ancient Israel baptized in water was able to abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh
    and the Holy Spirit, because the cross needed to walk the Sinai’s desert: expiating, judging and covering every sin, because it was going to receive the red sea of the Messiah’s atoning-blood removing sin from the world in one day
    forever entirely
    into everlasting.

    [continued in next message]

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