• =?UTF-8?Q?=28IV=C3=81N=29=3A_The_FATHER=E2=80=99S_holy_HEART_is_the_EAR

    From IVANIVAN555@aol.com@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, September 22, 2019 14:39:03
    Sábado, 21 de Septiembre, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

    The FATHER’S holy HEART is the EARTH’S HEART crying out RICHNESS NOW for YOU and your LOVED ONES:

    Indeed: Our heavenly Father was in heaven’s glory looking forward to see a man that was willing to walk with Him throughout the earth, because He needed to establish His eternal life upon it, and for this He needed to conquer the heart of the earth, so
    He may have His bloodline crying out towards Him how much His loved by His children. For our heavenly Father needed the blood of His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit crying out from the earth’s heart how much He is loved by each one of His
    children, so He may glorify and honor His holy name fire over His altar of His eternal unfailing-love for them thus He may grant them more His lasting-richness.

    Surely, our heavenly Father after searching throughout the families of the nations so He may find someone worthy to stand with Him, believing in His words
    of life born naturally from His holy heart that He needed to establish it in the earth’s heart,
    so He may have His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood worshipping, loving and exalting Him, then, He found Abraham. For this is Abraham that was willing not only to listen to His words of life born naturally from His holy heart, grieved
    to see His
    children from the families of the nations that had descended dead to the eternal graves in hell’s torment that He needed to spill His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood thus to grant them life once again.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to sit at the Lord’s Table with Abraham and his children that he had bought with money from strangers thus to give them a family home and the love that they needed to grow in the fear of our Father in heavenâ
    €™s glory, concerned each day about their future. What’s more, our heavenly Father had to sit at the Lord’s Table with Abraham so He may eat the bread and wine that only His Son Jesus Christ can serve to the angels in heaven’s glory thus to keep
    them holy and perfect as they may love, serve and worship His holy name fire over the altar of Jerusalem’s holy hill.

    Therefore, the bread and wine that our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus
    Christ and the Holy Spirit had served to the angels in heaven’s glory, so they may live a perfect and holy life serving His holy name fire over His altar
    at Jerusalem’s
    holy hill, then, He had to give it to Abraham and his loved ones as well. Considering that, by our heavenly Father eating the bread and wine with Abraham
    and his adoptive children then He was entering into a covenant of life, changing not only their
    hearts as individuals throughout the earth, but also, finally it will change the earth’s heart, as His Son Jesus Christ finally sheds it with His eternal life into it victorious over sin forever.

    For our heavenly Father understood that if He can really change the heart of the man that was willing to listen and obey His words of life born naturally from His holy heart, grieving for His children that had descended into hell’s
    torment with their
    sins, then, He can change the earth’s heart as well by establishing His holy heart in it forever. Considering that, if our heavenly Father can establish His
    holy heart in the earth’s heart, then, He will have a new earth, where sin has never existed,
    moreover filled with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed from His altar
    at Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, thus it may flow with His eternal life that destroyed Satan and death with His unfailing-love forever.

    Given that, our heavenly Father needs His new earth born from His holy heart established as the earth’s new heart that has the rock of salvation filled with His unfailing-love, happiness and joys among other blessings that His children will receive as
    they are reborn from water baptism, invoking the perfect holiness of His name thus to return to life again soon forever loved. For this is how that our heavenly Father will not only conquer Israel as His children that are born through the generations
    with His eternal life, as the oath sworn to Isaac, thus to conquer His altar at
    Canaan but also the earth’s heart finally to cause His children from the families of the ancient nations to return to life again.

    Furthermore, our heavenly Father needs His children from the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment to return to life again, but reborn from His holy heart, established at the earth’s heart already, filled with His Son Jesus Christ’s
    atoning-shed from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan that had destroyed Satan’s sin and death’s hell and its torments at last forever. That is why,
    that after Abraham ate the bread and wine with our heavenly Father served by His Son Jesus Christ, as
    the king of Salem Melchizedek and His Righteousness upon earth and in heaven’s glory, then, He could have His only dear Son born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers—because Abraham’s heart
    was changed forever already.

    Besides, our heavenly Father needed to live with Abraham and his loved ones in his household, because with His son Jesus Christ living with them as Isaac, then, He could live with them with His amazing love along with blessings from the rock of salvation
    thus He may finally have them to offer their only son Isaac as a burnt offering
    over His altar. Considering that, our heavenly Father needed the earth giving unto Him in heaven’s glory His only Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac as a burnt
    offering of His
    amazing love that they had lived with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may finally accept them as His family integrated into His divine family in heaven’s glory forever.

    Moreover, our heavenly Father had learned to live with Abraham and his children
    born through the generations living His eternal life not only upon earth but also in His new earth, where He will conquer new glories of endless richness that He will finally
    pour from His holy heart upon Isaac, Canaan and the entire earth until His kingdom may come finally. For this is richness of endless glories honoring our heavenly Father’s holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, dressing the entire
    house of Israel with amazing glories never seen upon earth, however, they must be reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name thus they may finally dress with the sacred-flesh that receives this richness finally.

    For this is richness that has never been seen by the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory much less by humankind upon earth that will glorify and honor our heavenly Father’s holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, as it never has been exalted thus
    to conquer new glories, enriching our lives throughout the coming generations. Certainly, glories of great richness that it would have been impossible to conquer with the angelical hosts, because to conquer them, then they must be as
    holy and perfect as
    our heavenly Father is with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, therefore, we were born from His image to become His perfect holiness, conquering glories as never before in eternity eventually.

    Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham not only living with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac and the Holy Spirit in his home with his wife Sarah and the adoptive children for few years, thus, becoming well-known with His amazing
    love: but also, have Isaac offered as a burnt offering for His holy heart downpouring of His perfect will. For our heavenly Father called Abraham to take
    his only son Isaac to the mountaintop that He will show him at one of the mountains of Moriah, where
    he will offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering for His holy heart eager to pour His perfect will that will become establish upon earth finally to bless
    His children mightily forever.

    Therefore, when Abraham took his only son Isaac to become our heavenly Father’s burnt offering that He needed at mount Moriah, where He will be waiting for him and his only son over Jerusalem’s holy hill, then, it was to pour His holy heart’s
    perfect will to become established in Canaan forever, thus saving His children from sin and death in one day. Timely, our heavenly Father poured His holy heart upon Isaac lying over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, then, it was His perfect
    will of a new earth born naturally from His holy heart, where sin has never existed, so He may finally live His eternal life with His children eternally blessed with amazing richness never seen by the angelical hosts before.

    Indeed, it was over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, where our heavenly Father finally poured His holy heart’s perfect will for His new earth to be born from the old earth’s heart, filled with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood of His
    eternal life that has defeated Satan and death forever, so His children may see
    life again on the Third Day. This is His holy heart downpouring His judgment against every sin that every man, woman and child may have committed against Him, His Son Jesus
    Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the families of the nations, so He may finally establish His holy heart at the old earth’s heart without the presence of sin for His children to become reborn in perfect holiness finally.

    Surely, our heavenly Father needed Isaac and the children born after him as Jacob and the entire house of Israel to take His perfect will through the water
    baptism at the Red Sea, through the Sinai’s desert, finally descending into the Valley of the
    dried bones, where He will finally establish His holy heart’s perfect will for His children to live His amazing-richness. However, for this to be possible
    then the entire house of Israel needed to be born in Egypt’s captivity with His oath sworn to
    Isaac, where He had already expiated, judged and erased every sin from the past, from the present and from the future that the families of the nations may
    have committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

    Frankly, our heavenly Father needed to have His holy heart that He had poured upon Isaac lying over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, finally established at the old earth’s heart for His children to become reborn in one
    day but also for His
    new earth to grow without the effect of sin for Him to live in His home-sweet-home forever honored. For our heavenly Father needed to establish His holy heart’s perfect will at the old earth’s heart, but for this to be possible He had to have had the
    entire house of Israel born in captivity to capture every sin from the entire world, so He may finally liberate them to take every sin to the water baptism of the Red Sea.

    Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to abandon every sin from the families of the nations that they may have committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may have every Israeli dressed with the sacred-flesh and
    the Holy Spirit
    thus to become His holy heart’s perfect will through the Sinai’s desert finally descending to the earth’s broken heart. However, our heavenly Father needed the entire house of Israel carrying with them His tabernacle of reunion along with the Holy
    of Holiest, where He will have the Israelis sacrificing lambs thus to shed the atoning-blood to expiate for every sin that the families of the nations may have committed before descending into the Valley of the dried bones.

    Considering that, our heavenly Father needed to expiate, judge and erase every sin that the families of the nations may have committed in the past, in the present and in the future throughout the earth, so He may finally establish His
    holy heart’s
    perfect will of a new earth under Canaan with abundant daily powers thus it may
    bless you always with amazing-richness. Therefore, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel going through the Sinai’s desert as His holy heart’s perfect
    will not only
    expiating, judging and erasing sin from the past, the present and the future, but also, He dealt with your sins that He knew that you will commit in life before Him in heaven’s glory, so you may live these days eternally blessed.

    This is also to say, that our heavenly Father used the entire house of Israel successfully throughout the Sinai’s desert with His tabernacle of reunion along with the Holy of Holiest, sacrificing victims thus to spill the atoning-blood over every sin,
    just as He would have done it with every man, woman and child lying in hell’s
    torment already. In other words, our heavenly Father used the entire house of Israel as His priests carrying His tabernacle of reunion along with the Holy of
    expiating every sin that He had already judged and erased through the oath sworn to Isaac, as if He would have done it normally throughout hell’s torment itself, liberating souls of men from death finally.

    This is something that our heavenly Father had to do it with the entire house of Israel only, because they had been born with this purpose to become His holy
    heart’s perfect will through the Sinai’s desert as if they had descended themselves into
    hell’s torment to minister to every man, woman and child lying there already,
    so He may liberate them from death finally. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father used the Sinai’s desert as hell’s torment itself with the families of the
    nations lying there thus with Him going through them with ancient Israel as His
    priest, expiating their sins as they shed the lambs atoning-blood at the tabernacle’s entrance and its Holy of Holiest, then, He could save them in resurrection day.

    [continued in next message]

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