ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@1:229/2 to
All on Sunday, August 25, 2019 14:50:16
Sábado, 24 de Agosto, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father needed to enrich the earth, but, He needed someone to work with Him, so He may send His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit to become one with the families of the earth, and here is where He found Abraham to
sit with Him at the Lord’s Table: eating the bread and wine. Considering that, if our heavenly Father can sit at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and
wine with one of the families of the earth, then, He can begin really to enrich
every other family
of the nations, because He is determined to make not only Canaan, His home-sweet-home, but also the entire human race rich immensely.
For this is richness never found on this earth but only in His holy heart, where His children began to be born from His image to live according to His Son
Jesus Christ’s likeness and in the amazing daily Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts that will
enrich every man, woman and child by just pouring Himself freely from heaven’s glory into their hearts. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Abraham sacrificing his three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds over
the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, so His Son Jesus Christ may not only be born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb but also spill His altar in Canaan and hell’s gate with his atoning-blood, filled with endless-richness.
Therefore, our heavenly Father not only needed Abraham and Sarah along with the
adoptive children, bought with money from strangers, to give them family love, to eat the bread and wine with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also the
promised children born through incoming generations thus enriching the families
of the nations finally with the King Messiah's life. Surely, our heavenly Father needed Abraham’s children eating continually the bread and wine with Him, so He may finally
conquer the earth’s heart with His rock of salvation, displaying Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, because He was certain that Satan and the angel of death were
going to be destroyed soon.
For our heavenly Father needed finally to begin to attack Satan and the angel of death through Abraham’s children born through the coming generations in Egypt’s captivity, because they were going to collect every sin from the past, the present and
the future from the families of the nations, so they may destroy them finally in the Red Sea eternal water baptism. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed to
this wonderful work of salvation with Abraham’s children that were going to possess Canaan
forever, but first they needed to be born in Egypt’s captivity, where they could collect every sin, but born away from Canaan and its daily powers thereof, powers blessing continuously His holy name fire through the coming generations well into all
For our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child born with the oath sworn but without His holy name fire, because they needed to collect every sin from humankind finally for the water baptism of the Red Sea, abandoning them forever at the seabed
never to worry about them again, so He may conquer Canaan, but without the effect of sin forever. Given that, once our heavenly Father had established a covenant of life with Abraham by eating the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ serving the Lordâ
€™s Table, then, His only Son could be born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, but without his known name in heaven’s glory that is Yeshua, Jesus.
For the whole of Israel was to be born in a foreign land, as Egypt, and without
knowing His holy name fire moreover away from Canaan that is the manna enriching His holy name fire along with His eternal life continually throughout
His children’s life
upon earth, so they may finally liberate the entire earth from the effect of sin forever. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to destroy every sin first
with Abraham’s children born away from Canaan: the land that feeds our heavenly Father’s holy
name fire along with His eternal life in each of His children throughout Israel
and the families of the nations, so He may finally destroy Satan and death to conquer Canaan that was occupied by Satan’s people.
That is why, that when our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ finally born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers then His Son was born as Isaac with His eternal life, filled with His unfailing love, His great Grace, His great
Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice that He needed to establish
within humankind finally. This is when: Abraham learned from our heavenly Father’s unfailing love that He had always spoken to him and his wife Sarah through the years,
promising a son of their own, but, this will a son, as no other like him, bringing eternal life into their home, so they may finally love Him as He is loved in heaven’s glory by the angelical hosts.
Indeed, this is something that our heavenly Father had always long to do with the families of the nations but He always failed to find someone worthy to stand with Him, believing His words of life emanating from His holy heart, grieving for His families
that had descended into hell’s torment, because they had failed to invoke His
holy name fire for salvation. However, after His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then, our heavenly Father was
able to live with Abraham and his loved ones with His eternal life, filled with
His amazing unfailing-love that granted to every one's joys, happiness, prosperity, endless richness and peace as they had never known before.
It is here, when our heavenly Father began to change the world, because if He could live with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in a family home, filled with human life, as Abraham and Sarah along with the adoptive children, then, He could see
that they can become His loved ones as well by just living with Him. It was here, where our heavenly Father really developed His oath sworn to Isaac that He needed to pour upon humankind, as the sacred-flesh, the unbroken bones and the atoning-blood, so
He may not only have His eternal life established but also His entire perfect will, changing the way the families of the earth think and live, by been born again through water baptism.
Surely, our heavenly Father was able to live His eternal life, filled with His amazing unfailing-love for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that He can
see that Abraham along with his wife Sarah and everyone else, including neighbors and friends,
were compatible to live His eternal life along with the rock of salvation emanating love, joys and happiness without ceasing ever. This is when, our heavenly Father was convinced that the families of the nations could become part of His divine family
that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, giving birth from His holy heart to the words of life of the oath sworn to Isaac, that is His perfect will
to become one with humankind forever through water baptism only.
Certainly, this is when, our heavenly Father was ready to pour His entire holy heart upon Isaac lying over Mount Zion’s wood, resting at Moriah, because He had judged every sin that the families of the nations may have committed against Him, His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to forgive everyone baptized in water, invoking His holy name for lasting-salvation. Therefore, our heavenly Father called Abraham to bring his only son Isaac that he loved so-much to the mountaintop that He will
show him at one of Moriah’s mountains, thus to offer him as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory, for He was ready to pour His entire perfect will to be obeyed by everyone throughout the earth, baptized in water only.
Besides, our heavenly Father had to have Abraham ascending to the mountaintop with Isaac offering him as a burnt offering unto Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because He needed to have His amazing love that has lived His eternal life with
Abraham and his loved ones to become one with His divine family in the midst of
the angelical hosts. In other words, our heavenly Father needed to permeate His
angelical nations with His eternal life that He has lived along with His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit with Abraham and his loved ones in his household, so He may enjoy His children’s love living in His eternal life before finally ascending
to live with Him in heaven’s glory.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham with
his only son Isaac that he had learned to love dearly in His eternal life that had descended to become not only his lamb with the atoning-blood to remove his family's sin,
but also become the Lamb that takes away the sin from the world forever. For the children born to Abraham will be his promised children, as countless as the
stars from heaven above, taking on the sins of the families of the nations in Egypt’s captivity,
for four-hundred years, because they will be born with Isaac’s sacred-bones,
unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, but without the holy name fire to destroy every sin in water baptism lastly.
However, our heavenly Father had to have the entire house of Israel taking on the sins of the families of the nations, because He not only needed to abolish every sin but also finally Satan and death along with the fallen angels thus He
may have the land
of Canaan, flowing with milk and honey, enriching Israel miraculously above the
nations forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father needs the families of the nations to know that He is a rich God in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts and that He needs
to be a rich God for every man, woman and child from humankind as well, because
He is descending to live with them with immense richness flooding the earth throughout eternity, starting in Canaan.
For this is richness that our heavenly Father has never manifested to His angelical hosts in heaven’s glory throughout eternity until now, because they
are naturally born from His holy heart each day that can truly be enjoyed entirely by His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit along with every man, woman and child from humankind
forever, but baptized in water first. Richness born naturally from our heavenly
Father’s holy heart pleasing Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every man, woman
and child, given that, they can only be enjoyed with the sacred-flesh, the atoning-blood, filled with His eternal life: destroying Satan, death and the fallen angels forever thus finally living only to know love, peace, prosperity and glory throughout
the earth forever.
However, for our heavenly Father to enjoy this richness already poured upon Isaac lying over Mount Zion, resting at Moriah, that is His perfect will to be lived by every man, woman and child baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name,
His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, He has to remove every evil from you right now. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to have the entire house of Israel born in Egypt’s captivity with His oath sworn to Isaac
and without His holy
name fire to be invoked, so they may collect every sin that the families of the
nations may have committed throughout the earth thus to destroy them at the Red
Sea water baptism.
Given that, our heavenly Father was determined to vanish Satan, death along with every fallen angel, but first He needed to have the entire house of Israel
collecting every sin from the world to abandon them at the Red Sea water baptism thus to liberate
Canaan from Satanism for His holy name fire to descend with His Son Jesus Christ finally. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to have His holy
name fire already flying over Jerusalem’s holy hill while His Son Jesus Christ was been born from
David’s virgin daughter that had to spill His atoning-blood, filled with the eternal life that needed to defeat Satan and death to liberate Canaan from Satanism, so we may live our Father’s enriched eternal life today.
Considering that, if our heavenly Father can liberate Canaan from the presence of Satanism then He can truly liberate not only the entire house of Israel but also the families of the nations, because by removing Satanism from Canaan then
He can vanish
darkness as sin, sickness, poverty and the terrible violence that suddenly they
manifest within the nations to destroy life. Now, for our heavenly Father to liberate Canaan from Satanism then He had to liberate the heart of the earth by
having ancient
Israel baptized at the Red Sea first, so they may abandon the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, where He can work with His perfect will, poured entirely upon
Isaac, thus expiating every sin before descending into the Valley of the dried bones.
Understanding that, after our heavenly Father had expiated every sin from the families of the nations throughout the Sinai’s desert with ancient Israel, operating within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, where the victims' atoning-
blood were poured continually, then, He could have the Israelis bitten by poisonous snakes, bleeding to descend into the Valley of the dried bones. Evidently, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel descending into the Valley
of dried bones bleeding
from the poisonous snakes' bites, because He wanted everyone in Israel to understand that their blood was not strong enough to save them from death and the Valley of the dried bones, because only the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ will save them
[continued in next message]
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