• =?UTF-8?Q?=28IV=C3=81N=29=3A_The_FATHER_nailed_His_loving_HEART_with_Hi

    From IVANIVAN555@aol.com@1:229/2 to All on Monday, August 10, 2020 22:10:53
    Sábado, 08 de Agosto, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

    The FATHER nailed His loving HEART with His Son JESUS CHRIST to the CROSS: enriching you instantly forever:

    Affectionately, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth, because He needed
    to live with His children in a new kingdom where sin has failed to exist forever, therefore, He had slain His only Son Jesus Christ as His Lamb since before the creation of
    the earth, so He may pour His life eternal victorious over Satan, death and sin
    forever. That is why, that as Adam and Eve sinned against Him and His holy name
    fires, because they ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of
    good and evil,
    then, He had transferred them from paradise to live on earth, as from where He had taken a handful of dust in His hands to cover their living-souls with flesh.

    Really, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood thus filling the earth with His own life, giving birth
    to His children but also creating everything surrounding them lovingly thus they may enjoy them with
    His sweetness that was turning not only the earth’s heart into His eternal love but also into His home-sweet-home forever, in Canaan. However, Lucifer along with his fallen angels were always ready to see how they could not only attack our heavenly
    Father but also His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by attacking His children born from His image thus to live in His Son’s likeness that is his sacred-flesh that will become His Temple for His holy name fires forever upon earth everlastingly.

    Moreover, our heavenly Father had to have had His only Son Jesus Christ slain before the foundation of the world, so He may shed His atoning-blood upon earth
    created to populate it with His children born from His image to live in His Son’s likeness as
    the gloried-body honoring His holy name fires forever and His Ten Commandments later granted them unto Moses. Therefore, Lucifer was aware into a certain extent that our heavenly Father was to create new holy angels, but he failed to
    know how, but he
    could see that Adam and Eve had been created and that would follow with the birth of the children thus a new kingdom was in the making—and he had to block it or become part of it.

    Surely, Lucifer had deceived one-third of the angelical hosts, moreover, caused
    Eve to believe in her friend the serpent to eat from the forbidden fruit, falling in sin before our heavenly Father and His holy name fires, thus His Son
    Jesus Christ and the
    Holy Spirit along with the faithful angelical hosts may fail to honor it as always because of sin in heaven. However, although Lucifer caused not only Eve and Adam along with the children to eat from the forbidden fruit, so they may forever live in sin
    against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but, he failed to understand His holy heart filled with His unfailing-love furthermore ready to pour His own life for them upon earth, if necessary.

    Nevertheless, Lucifer was determined not only to contaminate heaven’s glory with his sins and angelical rebellion but also the earth, starting in paradise,
    so our heavenly Father will fail to have the kingdom that He dreamed to have in
    the future
    liberated from sin forever to live with His children in His holy heart’s amazing unfailing-love, joys, peace and happiness without end through eternity.
    Although Lucifer had contaminated with sin and rebellion Adam and Eve in paradise along with the
    earth entirely, because from it He took a handful of the dust to cover their living-souls with flesh, then, he decided to contaminate it with blood as well,
    for the earth to become a curse unto His children waiting for Him to descend with His entire
    kingdom ultimately.

    That is why, that Lucifer found Cain, because it was difficult to approach Abel
    (Cain’s brother), so he may kill his brother as he had presented a lamb offering unto our heavenly Father, and so, that the atoning-blood received in heaven’s glory by
    the Father then He may see the earth stained with Abel’s blood thus cursed by
    Cain’s sin for humankind forever. Now, Lucifer had to have had Cain killing his brother Abel, because he had offered a lamb sacrificed before our heavenly Father so He may
    bless and enrich his life on earth as He had always done it until then, thus the atoning-blood offered to bless heaven’s glory, immediately, his own blood
    had to be shed to curse the earth for Cain and humankind.

    Eventually, Lucifer had to have Cain killing his brother Abel, because he shed the lamb’s atoning-blood that really pleased our heavenly Father and the entire angelical kingdom along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that Lucifer felt that
    it was a total victory against him, and so, by shedding Abel’s blood cursed the earth for many generations to come. This was Lucifer’s vengeance against Abel and everyone else offering lamb sacrifices before our heavenly Father, so they will fail to
    do it again, because Lucifer and the fallen angels felt defeated when the atoning-blood reached heaven’s glory, pleasing our Father’s holy heart greatly, because, as our Father, He was hurting to see Adam and Eve sinning forever—thus the atoning-
    blood eased His pain.

    Consequently, Lucifer managed to have the entire earth cursed as Cain shed his brother Abel’s blood to the ground that became a sacrifice that one of his one had sacrificed his own flesh and blood to turn the earth into an eternal curse not only for
    Cain and humankind but also for our heavenly Father to fail to make it His home-sweet-home lastly. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father had a powerful plan that Lucifer failed to understand, and this is that His only Son Jesus Christ was slain before the
    foundation of heaven and earth that the only thing that He had to do was to transfer it from heaven’s glory into the earth, thus reversing the curse of earth for Cain and humankind forever.

    Frankly, our heavenly Father carried within His holy heart His Son Jesus Christ
    sacrificed since before the foundation of the earth that He needed to transfer it: pouring it entirely upon His altar on earth, so He may finally pour His loving heart for
    His children to resurrect to life again, but with richness, glories, powers and
    sanctities untouched by sin before forever. However, to have this done, then, our heavenly Father needed to find someone willing to listen and believe His words of life that
    will make this powerful project possible in the last days, so He may save not only Cain and humankind but also the entire earth, by turning it again into a land of eternal beauties, peace and endless sweetness for His children forever.

    Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to turn the curses upon earth that Cain had caused after he slew his brother Abel, because He just needed to turn the entire earth into a place of great blessings, worthy to receive His home-sweet-home thus to live
    forever loved by His children from Israel and from the families of the nations through eternity, starting in Canaan. Considering that, after Cain had shed his
    brother Abel’s blood then our heavenly Father could hear his voice calling for Him to carry
    justice upon his behalf but also to forgive his brother Cain’s sin for killing him, causing more sin, curses and violence to invade the earth from hell’s torment, because the devils were happy to see his innocent-blood shed to the ground.

    Now, our heavenly Father had to reverse these sins, curses and violence that Cain had caused by shedding his brother’s blood to the ground, causing many problems to the families of the nations, by just having His Lamb slain since the foundation of the
    earth present in Canaan, and for this He had Abraham executing His three lamb sacrifices over the rock of salvation. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham sitting with Him at the Lord’s Table along with his 318
    adoptive children (bought with money from outsiders), because they had to have eaten from His Son Jesus Christ’s bread and wine thus they may receive the sacred-flesh that honors His holy name fires on earth forever into eternity.

    Understanding that, Lucifer along with his fallen angels and death had attacked
    His holy name fires in heaven’s glory, so he may take control not only of the
    angelical kingdom but also of His children born from His image to live in His Son Jesus Christâ
    €™s sacred-flesh that is the glorified, as the only Temple honoring His holy name fires throughout eternity. Really, as Eve along with Adam and the children
    ate from the forbidden fruit then they killed His Lamb by abandoning His fruit of life in
    paradise, causing them to descend to the earth, furthermore, Lucifer had Cain killing his only brother Abel thus to sin further against our heavenly Father’s holy name fires, for Canaan to fail to become His home-sweet-home on

    Therefore, our heavenly Father had to reverse what Lucifer along with his fallen angels had done not only against Adam and the children in paradise but also He had to undo Cain’s sin, by shedding his brother Abel’s blood to the
    ground thus
    contaminating the earth thus making it impossible for Him to have finally His home-sweet-home with His children forever enriched into eternity. Consequently,
    our heavenly Father had sat at the Lord’s Table eating the bread and wine from His Son Jesus
    Christ serving it daily to the angels in heaven’s glory thus keeping them perfectly holy for the glory of His holy name fires, furthermore, His Son had to do the same with Abraham and the families of the nations, starting in Canaan.

    For our heavenly Father was having His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, because He was sending His Holy Spirit into her womb thus turning it into His Holy heart for the entire house of Israel to be born, starting with Isaac,
    because His Lamb was shedding his atoning-blood to undo Cain’s evil against his only brother Abel upon earth ultimately. For Cain being evil against his only brother Abel by attacking him, killed him to shed his blood to the ground,
    contaminating with
    sin the earth for our heavenly Father to fail to have His children born from His image and in His likeness from the earth’s heart, thus Canaan will fail to become His home-sweet-home forever into eternity.

    Eventually, our heavenly Father was having His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb turned into His holy heart by the Holy Spirit’s powers, thus, not
    only ancient Israel will be born through the generations, starting with Isaac, but also, again
    Isaac as Jesus Christ His Lamb in Canaan to shed his atoning-blood filled with His eternal life, for His children to live forever blessed finally. Therefore, our heavenly Father was having His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’
    s powers, because, Isaac was going to be first and the last to be born upon earth; and so, his brothers' sin, rebellion and blindness will shed his atoning-blood to the ground thus undoing Cain’s evil against his only brother
    Abel to bless the earth
    again forever.

    Timely, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah by the Holy Spirit’s powers that turned her womb into His holy heart, for Isaac to be born first but also to be born last from David’s virgin daughter,
    finally shedding his
    atoning-blood victorious over Satan, death and hell entirely throughout his brothers and sisters in Israel and humankind forever. Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to clear earth’s sin, from inside out, and this means that He had to have the heart
    of the earth turned into His holy heart not only to have the entire house of Israel reborn into His sacred-flesh that is Isaac’s glorified-body that has defeated Satan and death but also it has honored His holy name fires forever throughout eternity.

    Therefore, it was important for His Son Jesus Christ to be born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb that became His holy heart by the Holy Spirit’s powers,
    for His children to be born with the sacred-flesh honoring His holy name fires forever;
    furthermore, He could pour His oath sworn to Isaac as His perfect will for Israel and the nations, blessing earth forever ultimately. Besides, our heavenly Father needed to pour His holy heart’s perfect will upon Isaac that it was not only for Jacob as
    His first-born in Canaan, so his children may become one with him as His first-born, but to be reborn later as His first-born from the heart of the earth turned into His holy heart thus they may enter life eternal forever justified.

    Our heavenly Father needed to pour His holy heart’s unfailing-love for His children, and so, as Isaac was born for Israel to become His dream nation then they will live with the oath sworn to Isaac’s blessing, enriching, thus making them the most
    happy people on earth for His holy name fire’s endless glories, spreading daily sweetness to the families of the nations forever. Therefore, as Isaac was
    born, then, our heavenly Father’s Temple for honoring His holy name fires was
    established in
    Canaan, for the families of the nations to love, serve and worship it throughout the earth, because they most worship His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, until heaven’s glory descends finally to stay with us on earth forever.

    Truthfully, our heavenly Father needs every man, woman and child from Israel and from the families of the nations baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, so they may, as they worship His Holy name fires in Isaac’s sacred-flesh
    that His Son Jesus Christ victorious over Satan and death, then, cause heaven’s glory to descend upon earth finally. Further, our heavenly Father had granted in the oath sworn to Isaac’s amazing daily powers, pouring entirely upon Isaac’s glorified-
    body, because He had to enter into the heart of the earth promptly not only to turn it into His holy heart but also to undo Cain’s evil to have slain his only brother Abel as Israel had done to their only brother Jesus Christ.

    [continued in next message]

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