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All on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 19:11:27
Sábado, 13 de Diciembre, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo
Paradise, the virgin Eve gave us the forbidden fruit, death: Canaan, David’s virgin daughter the bread of life to eat today:
The King of Salem, Melchizedek, stepped into the valley of Shaveh (known as the
King’s Valley) to meet Abraham, thus congratulating him for defeating his enemies by believing in our heavenly Father’s words, granted unto him earlier, so he may bless
His holy name fire throughout the earth, for he was about to enter into a covenant of bread and wine for life. Melchizedek was also known as our heavenly
Father’s High Priest and perfect Righteousness in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts and
upon earth with humankind, starting with Abraham and his loved ones, because He
was ready to enter with him and his family into a very important covenant of life, changing the world’s life, by introducing His eternal life into it, forever.
This is when, our heavenly Father had finally found someone from the families of the nations willing not only to believe in His living-words poured from His holy heart towards the children of men that none show willingness to receive them, except Abraham
His faithful servant, indeed, he was more than willing to believe in Him unto the end of time. Divinely, our heavenly Father had been eager to eat from His Son Jesus Christ’s bread and wine over the Lord’s Table, because this is something that He had
always done in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts but never with men, and so, He was ready to eat with His servant Abraham thus starting a very important covenant of life upon earth.
For our heavenly Father needed to be the first one with every man, woman and child upon earth to eat the bread and wine at the Lord’s Table, so they may eat with Him from His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred bread and wine that is His eternal life that
needed to be established with Adam and his children finally upon earth forever.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had to start eating with Abraham along with his 318 adoptive children, bought with money from strangers, granting them family love, so they may
grow knowing how to live a life pleasant unto our Father thus they may become a
blessing unto others as well, as blessing the families that needed the touch from heaven’s richness immediately, for example.
Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to sit at the table with
the families of the nations, so they may learn to eat with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit the bread and wine that is daily served in heaven’s glory for the
angelical hosts, and now, He needed to eat with mankind (you today), starting with Abraham. Understanding that, by our heavenly Father eating the bread and wine with every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, starting
with Abraham that
is served daily by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven with the angels and upon earth with every one willing to believe in His living-words nowadays, then He could spread His eternal life throughout the earth.
Given that, by our heavenly Father eating the bread and wine, served by His Son
Jesus Christ at the Lord’s Table in every family’s home, then, He is reversing that power of the forbidden fruit that Eve and Adam later ate thus contaminating the
children with evil that had caused them to live a life rebellious to His holy name fire. Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to sacrifice three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut doves over
the rock of
salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, because He was ready to pour His Son Jesus Christ’s life upon earth wholeheartedly, so the families of the nations
throughout the earth may eat daily from him and from His Holy Spirit.
This means that: as our heavenly Father was able to sit at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ as the King of Salem (modern Jerusalem) and His perfect Righteousness with humankind, then, He was allowing everyone to eat
from His Holy Spirit’s glories, because He was finally entering into Abraham’s wife, Sarai’s barren-womb. Besides, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so He may
finally start pouring His eternal life over the rock of salvation at Jerusalem’s holy hill thus His children may see life forever enriched, prosperous and justified into His new kingdom manifesting finally upon earth in
the last days.
That is why, that when Abraham finished eating the bread and wine with our heavenly Father, served by His Son Jesus Christ at the Lord’s Table throughout the families’ homes of the nations, starting with Abraham and his loved ones, in Canaan, then,
everyone else is invited to eat this meal throughout the earth to have life in abundance in them always. Given that, Adam and Eve were both expelled from paradise, because they were deceived by Lucifer through the serpent that invited Eve first and later
Adam to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so they may become reborn with a life that rebels always against the holy
name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
Now, our heavenly Father had started to eat the bread and wine with Abraham and
his family over the Lord’s Table for everyone else from the families of the nations may eat and drink with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from His eternal
life that needs to replace the rebellious life in them against His name throughout the earth. Thus far, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so he
may serve daily his bread and wine not only to Abraham but also to his children
along the families of the nations thus they may have eternal life instantly: blessing His holy name fire always.
For this is: the bread and wine that you will eat each day along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world at the altar of our heavenly Father that is Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, where He has established His holy name fire
nailed to the wood, sweetening your heart as it does to His holy heart always. However, for this to be possible then our heavenly Father had to have His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, starting with Isaac, because
they were called to be born with His eternal life along with His Ten Commandments in their virgin state, eventually filling humankind with His eternal life, where He is loved, honored and exalted always.
Certainly, by our heavenly Father having had Abraham executed three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut doves over the rock, then He expiated, judged and covered every sin not only with rituals and ceremonies of perfect
holiness as the lambs’ atoning-blood poured, but also His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood finally to remove sin of the world forever. Legally, our heavenly Father needed to have His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb
by the Holy Spirit’s
powers through future generations, because He was determined not only to collect every sin from the families of the nations from Egypt’s captivity of four-hundred years but also descend into the regions of hell with them, but only eternally victorious
over sin already forever.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed His children born by the Holy Spirit from Sarah’s barren-womb through coming generations, collecting every sin from the
families of the nations of the world—while in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years, then,
He needed them reborn from the earth’s heart finally, but with His Son Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood spilling over them with perfect salvation from Canaan (paradise). Given that, by our heavenly Father eating with Abraham bread and wine at the Lord’
s Table, then, He blessed their hearts thus His Holy Spirit may enter into Sarah’s barren-womb, giving birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, but also have His children reborn from the earth’s heart, bathed with His Son’s atoning-blood, filled
with His eternal life victorious over death forever.
Surely, it is as a baby is born from his mother’s womb, then, he is born bathed with her blood, and so, he is received in the world’s life bathed already with blood, then, our heavenly Father needed His children reborn but from the earth’s heart,
as His holy heart, bathed with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood victorious over death from Canaan forever. Evidently, this is the salvation that our heavenly Father has always needed every man, woman and child initially
to understand that every one
that is baptized by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name fire, then, that one descends into the earth’s heart, submerged in water: instantly is reborn into eternal life, bathed with His Son’s atoning-blood forever justified instantly in
heavens’ glory.
Indeed: After our heavenly Father had expiated, judged and forgiven sin from the families of the nations had committed from the past and the future against Him, then, Sarah’s barren-womb gave birth to Isaac to be reborn from the earth’s heart as
Israel (Isaac), but with Isaac again as His Son Jesus Christ spilling atoning-blood with life eternal over them forever from paradise, Canaan. Now, our heavenly Father had had Abraham executing His tree lambs with their halves facing each other along
with two uncut doves over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood: then, it was to have Abraham’s children finally descending into the Valley of
the dried bones to become one with the families of the nations to see life again forever
Timely, our heavenly Father had Abraham’s children born through the four-hundred years of captivity in Egypt to collect every sin from the past and
from the future that the families of the nations may have committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit, so He may abandon them in the water baptism of the Red Sea
forever. For our heavenly Father needed Israel going through the Sinai’s desert with Moses as thirsty as the nations lying in hell’s torment, craving for water, so they
may drink from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree from Jerusalem’s holy hill that is Israel’s tree with humankind entirely enriched, later to drink from the rock of salvation never to thirst again.
For the entire house of Israel needed to descend into the Valley of the dried bones as rebellious as the families of ancient nations, bitten by poisonous snakes, thus they may become one with every man, woman and child from the past but also from future
generations as the seed that will be planted in Canaan by our heavenly Father’s right arm. Considering that, our heavenly Father’s covenant with Abraham is that his children born in Egypt’s captivity collecting the sins of
the nations from the past
and the future to abandon them at the Red Sea water baptism, later to descend into the earth’s heart: to gather the nations as one with them in perfect holiness over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, forever justified.
Surely, it has always been our heavenly Father’s perfect will that you will become baptized in water along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from
around the world, because in it, as you may emerge from the water, you will have received Isaacâ€
™s sacred-flesh, where He has expiated, judged and forgiven your sins forever over at Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan. This is to say, also that our heavenly Father has already blessed you with perfect richness poured over Jerusalem’s holy hill, as
His Son Jesus Christ lied as Isaac over the wood, so you may become reborn into
His eternal life but filled with amazing daily richness that loves, serves and honors Him and His holy name fire in you nowadays well into eternity.
Understanding that, once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then you will have abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit,
where our heavenly Father has blessed you already with powerful blessings from the heavenly places, pouring continually upon you always. Given that, our heavenly Father has already blessed you mightily with His mind, His holy heart,
His holy strength and
His holy glory, so you may live His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice poured initially over Isaac lying at Jerusalem’s holy hill wood, resting at Moriah, so you may live enriched His eternal life these days.
Besides, our heavenly Father has already blessed you mightily with His great richness since the foundation of the world, real blessings only found in His eternal that He has always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven’s glory,
where His commandments exist in their virgin state thus blessing His holy name fire throughout eternity with you together always forever. However, Lucifer along with his fallen angels block continuously this richness and blessings with his wicked-
presence, so you may fail to know always through life upon earth that our heavenly Father has already blessed, empowered and enriched your life along with your loved ones since even before the foundation of the world, but enriched only through His Son
Jesus Christ and His Spirit.
That is why, that as you may become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, you will be honoring our heavenly Father’s holy name fire nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy
hill, so His richness, powers and blessing may become part of your every day life these days. Legally, our heavenly Father gave birth initially to you with richness, glories, honors and great powers that He needed to conquer with Lucifer and the fallen
angels, but since they rebelled against Him and His holy name fires, then, you were born along with your loved ones, starting with Adam in paradise thus you may live today these blessings—finally pleasing Him through eternity.
[continued in next message]
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