Sábado, 06 de Abril, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The time had come for our heavenly Father to find a new home, where He will live with the children that He had given His eternal life and His entire love to them, starting with Adam and Eve, and so, He needed to recover them and everything lost to
Lucifer and his fallen angels due to deception, but recover them in paradise only. However, Lucifer had contaminated no only Adam and the children, starting
with Eve, the virgin from paradise, that ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of
good and evil, but also, the entire earth, including His home-sweet-home in Canaan: and so, He needed to conquest them again, but with His truth and divine
justice only, through the Holy Spirit’s power outpouring.
Now, our heavenly Father had to recover everything that had been lost to Lucifer’s lies by the outpouring of His Holy Spirit, because he rebelled against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by deceiving his followers with his lies, then, he
really was removing the Holy Spirit’s presence in the angels that believed in
him. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to begin to recover everything lost to Lucifer’s lies by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts, because his lies
had removed His Holy Spirit not only from the angels that believed in his lies but also later from Adam and Eve that were deceived to eat from the forbidden fruit.
That is why, that our heavenly Father to recover everything lost Lucifer and his lies then He had to begin to outpour His Holy Spirit upon earth to recover everything lost to Lucifer and his lies, but, for this to work for Him, His Son
Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit, then, He needed to find a man believing in His living-words. Unfortunately, no one was available from the entire human race throughout the earth, because they all have been deceived by Lucifer’s lies that their hearts had become as
dark and wicked as from the evil-one, as from where his lies are born to contaminate with darkness, everything created by His holy heart since the beginning in heaven’s glory.
However, although our heavenly Father needed to find someone worthy to stand in
His holy presence as perfect and holy as He is in heaven’s glory before His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, but, His recovery plan to save
humankind and the earth as well, needed to begin with His Spirit and His only Son. For the reason that, as Lucifer began to lie to the angels in heaven’s glory so they may believe in him that he can take control not only of our heavenly Father’s holy
name fire but also everything that He had created throughout Creation, including the earth, as Canaan, His home-sweet-home: thus Lucifer thought then to defeat Him forever.
Given that, the battlefield not only to take control of our heavenly Father’s
holy name fire along with everything created with His living-words and the Holy
Spirit in heaven’s glory and the earth, then, he had finally to take Canaan so He will fail
to establish His new earth with glorious skies, where He will live with His children eternally happy throughout eternity. However, for our heavenly Father to recover everything lost to Lucifer’s lies then He had to find a man worthy
to receive not only
His living-words, crying for His children already lost to Lucifer and the fallen angels in hell’s torment, because, by this time, the entire human race
already rested in hell’s holes lost forever to darkness.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to begin to recover everything lost to Lucifer’s lies through the Holy Spirit’s outpouring from His holy heart, because, when Lucifer lied to the angels in heaven’s glory and to Adam
with Eve in
paradise, then, his lies attacked Him, His Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ. That is why, that our heavenly Father began to pour His Holy Spirit upon earth in search for that one that will stand with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to fight
not with armies of angels or men, but with His Spirit only, until every lie is defeated in paradise, upon earth and in every human heart forever.
For our heavenly Father needed to begin to pour from His Holy Spirit filled with His living-words born naturally from Him towards His children that had been lost to Lucifer’s lies, curses, poverty and death, finally to descend into Lucifer’s kingdom
of darkness, where they were expected never to return to life again forever. Therefore, the down-pouring of the Holy Spirit from our heavenly Father’s holy heart was important not only to search for that one worthy to listen to the cries of His holy
heart for His children lost to Lucifer’s lies and hell’s eternal torments, but also, He needed to recover His home-sweet-home in Canaan thus to turn it into His holy heart perpetually.
For our heavenly Father was longing to have every one of His children lost to Lucifer’s lies, curses, deceptions, poverty, infirmities and death, returning
to Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but, it needed to be from the
modern paradise
that He had chosen to live with them, and this is Canaan lost to Lucifer as well. For Lucifer, as Satan (God’s adversary) had established himself in it along with other kingdoms and powerful armies impossible to be defeated by any other army working
for our heavenly Father thus to have him and his fallen angels finally removed from it forever, so He may finally have His children along with everything lost
to darkness and sin.
Now, since Lucifer deceived Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit, instead of eating from the fruit from the tree of life so Adam and the children may eat from it and live forever blessed by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,
then, Lucifer’s lies contaminated everything with the spirit of error given to Adam. Therefore, the down-pouring of our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit was
important to pour continually upon the entire earth until finally Abraham was found worthy to
sit with Him to eat from the bread with wine from His Son Jesus Christ serving the Lord’s Table, made of wood, for His Holy Spirit to stay with man, and His
Son could be born finally in Canaan.
Considering that, as our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit pours from His holy heart, then, it descends destroying every darkness in its ways, because it is descending, searching for the lost-children within the nations, so they may see
the light in their
darkness until they see the truth that sets them liberated from sin at last with perfect salvation. Thus, our heavenly Father poured His Holy Spirit until Abraham was found by becoming as perfect and holy as He needed him to be thus giving birth to His
blessed-family, established initially with His Son Jesus Christ, as Isaac, and the Holy Spirit to receive His divine nature: honoring Him by establishing His holy heart lastly in Canaan, as the earth’s heart forever.
However, before our heavenly Father was to do this wonderful-work in Canaan, then, He had to sit with Abraham and his adoptive children to eat the bread and
wine from His Son Jesus Christ serving the Lord’s Table, made of wood, so they may eat from
divine nature thus to give birth finally to His only Son as Isaac upon earth. Our heavenly Father had to eat with Abraham and his adoptive children the bread
and wine from the Lord’s Table, made of wood, because not only His Son Jesus Christ will
become Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, but also, the promised children conveying His oath sworn to Isaac through the Sinai’s desert towards Canaan with His perfect holy heart from His chest.
For this is the rock of salvation that our heavenly Father had granted unto Abraham and his family, so he may sacrifice three lambs with their halves facing each other with two uncut doves, spilled with the atoning-blood entirely, thus conveying Him
within the Holy of Holiest through the Sinai’s desert, descending finally into the Valley of the dried bones for final victory. For our heavenly Father needed to descend into Canaan’s Valley of dried bones with Abraham’s three sacrifices along with
the two uncut birds lying over the rock of salvation, spilled entirely with the
atoning-blood, for His holy heart grieving for His children may have Him as close as possible to their hearts, so He may finally save them with His amazing
For our heavenly Father’s holy heart needed to descend to the heart of the earth, where His children from all the families of the nations were lying in their hell’s holes, condemned forever by their sin to have failed to know His
holy name fire and
His words of life that would have given them life abundantly, if only they had received them. Certainly, words of life born with His children as they emerged one-by-one from His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness, filled with
His Holy Spirit’s daily powers and gifts, and this the oath sworn to Isaac that they need to possess always thus to love, serve and worship His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest throughout eternity.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to descend to the Valley of the dried bones with Abraham’s rock of salvation along with the three sacrifices and two uncut birds, spilled with the atoning-blood, surrounded with his promised children
countless as the stars from heaven above, because Isaac was descending to spill
them with his atoning-blood for deliverance. However, for this to be possible within Canaan’s Valley of the dried bones that is really the entire earth’s
heart, then, He
had to have the entire house of Israel born in captivity with the oath sworn to
Isaac that they needed to possess thus to collect every sin from the families of the nations finally to abandon them at the Red Sea.
For our heavenly Father needed to expiate for every sin from the entire human race so He may destroy them at once as Abraham’s three sacrifices along with the two uncut birds were lastly spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood, spilled victorious over
death in Canaan, for Israel to become liberated entirely, so they may love, serve and worship His holy name in perfect holiness forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to call Moses to the Mount Sinai to stand within the hot oven’s fires of
His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice finally granting His holy name fire to Israel thus to become baptized at the Red Sea, abandoning every sin from the earth collected for four-hundred years.
That is to say, that once Israel invoked His holy name fire throughout the land
of their captivity then they opened their mouth before our heavenly Father waiting for them to invoke it over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Mount Sinai, so He may pour
into their hearts His divine nature needed to escape Egypt towards the Red Sea for water baptism. This water baptism was essential for Israel not only to abandon every sin collected through the years from the families of the nations at the seafloor, but
also, they needed to exchange their sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh and the spirit of error for the Holy Spirit thus to love, serve and worship our Father in heaven throughout life always.
However, the entire house of Israel needed to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father through the Sinai’s desert, because they were born with the oath sworn to Isaac to carry Him with divine nature towards the heart of the earth, so He may finally
speak to His children words of life naturally born with them from His image and
living-soul in His home-sweet-home. That is to say, that every man, woman and child love, serve and worship our heavenly Father by building with their hands the tabernacle of
reunion along with the Holy of Holiest, carrying Him with His divine nature to be deposited at the earth’s heart, for His children from the families of the nations finally deliverance to return to His home-sweet-home finally.
Therefore, once Israel had become as holy and perfect through the water baptism
at the Red Sea, then, they were ready to love, serve and worship Him and His divine nature that they were to carry through the Sinai’s desert, because they needed to
execute lambs by spilling atoning-blood over His children lying in the earth’s heart. Therefore, as the entire house of Israel walked through the Sinai’s desert then they thirst for water nowhere to be found until they came
to the bitter waters of
Marah that they needed to be sweetened by the tree (as Abraham’s promised children) from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so they may continue towards
conquering Canaan’s Valley of the dried bones.
However, for ancient Israel to conquer finally the Valley of the dried bones then our heavenly Father had to speak natural words of life from His holy heart
to every man, woman and child from the families of the nations lying in their hell’s holes,
because they had believed lies instead of His truth with saving powers, if they
had received them initially. Now, our heavenly Father needed every Israeli man,
woman and child mediating for every one from the families of the nations lying in their hell’
s holes, because they needed to release their sins towards the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, so He may expiate them with lambs’ atoning-blood thus they may become liberated from darkness at last.
These were rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that needed to be executed by the entire house of Israel within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, expiating for every sin committed by the families of the
nations lost to hell’s damnation, so they may become liberated in the last day. In other words, our heavenly Father needed to have every Israeli man, woman and child from the entire house of Israel really living in His holy presence every sin that the
families of the nations had committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit, so He may truly expiate them with His grace, mercy, truth and divine justice.
[continued in next message]
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