The MajorBBS Emulator (MBBSEMU) is an exciting new project created by lifelong MajorBBS aficionado Wndrbr3d. Written in .Net core and C# it is a cleanroom implementation of the MajorBBS core containing NO outside intellectual property. The goal is to
replicate the environment necessary to be binary compatible with the existing MBBS/WG1/2 module base similar to DOSBox.
By maintaining binary compatibility MBBSEMU fully preserves the modules we know
and love exactly as they existed in 1996. There has been a fury of progress and
in a few short weeks Wndrbr3d has implemented a telnet server, new user sign up
and the
functions needed to natively run both the GWW Archery and T-LoRD modules.
For over 20 years many individuals have worked to keep MajorBBS running on modern systems for the sole purpose of having a platform to play these modules.
MBBSEMU eliminates the headache of having to setup the MajorBBS DOS core and the pain of
maintaining it. If MajorBBS has a future in 2020 MBBSEMU is it!
If you have any interest in finding out more or want to reach out and let us know you're still here please see project announcement below.
Initial Announcement:
Support Page:
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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