• Re: Auto Posting TXT Files

    From Doug Cooper@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, September 03, 2020 10:38:03
    From: nospam.Doug.Cooper@f702.n227.z1.binkp.net

    Am I missing something...??

    One other thing not copy and pasted .. but if make sure you have the
    top portion of mutil.ini that has the true/false statements and other
    basic functions prior to each stanza. So for example, in your file
    you've created, you'd want the post text file set to TRUE, and all of
    the text below as such, plus what you had pasted within your last

    ; list of functions to perform on startup

    PostTextFiles = true

    ; Set this value if you want to run mutil from a directory other
    ; the root Mystic directory or the mysticbbs environment

    ; mystic_directory=c:\mystic\mystic.dat

    ; If no directory is specified in the logfile name, mUtil will
    ; to use the configured LOGS directory from in Mystic's
    ; Comment out to disable logging completely.


    ; If set to TRUE (*HIGHLY* recommended for MUTIL) then it will
    write the
    ; log file in increments of 8KB at a time. If set to FALSE it will
    ; each individual line as it is logged. This will significantly
    ; MUTIL performance if set to FALSE.


    ; Level 1 = basic
    ; Level 2 = verbose
    ; Level 3 = debug
    ; Note that the loglevel can also be set in a specific stanza and
    that value
    ; will override the value defined here only for that specific stanza


    ; logfile time stamp. defaults to NNN DD HH:II:SS if not set
    ;logstamp = YYYYHHMMHHIISS

    ; Log roller type:
    ; 0 = Do not roll log files
    ; 1 = Roll by number of files/filesize
    ; 2 = Roll by number of days

    logtype = 2

    ; number of log files to keep (0 to disable log rolling)
    maxlogfiles = 31

    ; size of each log file in kilobytes
    maxlogsize = 1500



    ; Total number of ECHOS text files are being posted to. For each
    file there needs to
    ; be a file definition as show below.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Doug Cooper@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, September 03, 2020 10:31:40
    From: nospam.Doug.Cooper@f702.n227.z1.binkp.net

    If there are more than one message bases being posted into the part that says file1_???? would be changed to file2_???? and file3_???? and the file?_baseidx = Is the unique number each message base has in Mystic's setup

    If you have 1 file, you are trying to post to more then one base, then
    message bases would be set to whatever number of bases you are posting

    If it's more then 1 file, then files are set to whatever number you are setting.

    Then, as you have set up, you would copy and paste this below ...

    file1_name = joesad.txt
    file1_name = joesad.txt
    file1_baseidx = 48
    file1_from = IB Joe
    file1_to = All
    file1_subj = JoesBBS Ad
    file1_addr = 1:342/201
    file1_delfile = false

    With the new file base ID and or file name.

    In addition, as you have it set, it would assume your file is within
    the mystic root directory. If not, either move the file to the \mystic directory, and or state the directory location of the file.

    Hope this helps


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From IB Joe@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, September 02, 2020 18:06:37
    From: nospam.IB.Joe@f201.n342.z1.binkp.net

    I want to auto post my BBS ad... I had looked through the stalk mutil.ini and found, at least what I though was, the appropriate sections. Cut and pasted said information to a separate file called postad.ini. Ran mutil.exe postad.ini and it failed...

    Lets walk through this....


    ; Total number of text files to be posted. For each file there needs to
    ; be a file definition as show below.

    totalfiles = 1

    from what I can tell... The number that goes here is the total number of messages being posted.... If I'm posting 1 TXT file into 3 different message bases the totalfiles = 3

    The rest of the INI file is as follows....

    ; This defines one file which will be posted to the message base. Each
    ; file should be prefixed with file# where # is a number from 1 to
    ; totalfiles.
    ; The delfile option (if true) will remove the filename after the message
    ; is posted. The baseidx is the permanent index of the message base to
    ; post the message into (shown as Index at the top of the message base
    ; editor in Mystic's configuration. Address is the echomail destination
    ; address

    file1_name = joesad.txt
    file1_baseidx = 48
    file1_from = IB Joe
    file1_to = All
    file1_subj = JoesBBS Ad
    file1_addr = 1:342/201
    file1_delfile = false

    If there are more than one message bases being posted into the part that says file1_???? would be changed to file2_???? and file3_???? and the
    file?_baseidx = Is the unique number each message base has in Mystic's setup

    Am I missing something...??

    Thanx in advance

    IB Joe
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of Joe's BBS

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From IB Joe@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, September 03, 2020 10:03:18
    From: nospam.IB.Joe@f201.n342.z1.binkp.net

    ; list of functions to perform on startup

    PostTextFiles = true

    ; Set this value if you want to run mutil from a directory other
    ; the root Mystic directory or the mysticbbs environment

    That's the part I was missing...

    I didn't copy the top part... the part that enables the process...

    BTW... if you know how to fix this.... I just upgraded and I'm getting this error when I log in... it's the Bulletin program...

    MYSTIC 001 MPL Version mismatch: [MPX 112A43] / [MPX 112A46](bulletin)

    How do I fix this??


    IB Joe
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of Joe's BBS

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From IB Joe@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, September 03, 2020 09:16:30
    From: nospam.IB.Joe@f201.n342.z1.binkp.net

    If there are more than one message bases being posted into the part t says file1_???? would be changed to file2_???? and file3_???? and th file?_baseidx = Is the unique number each message base has in Mystic' setup

    If you have 1 file, you are trying to post to more then one base, then message bases would be set to whatever number of bases you are posting

    Doug, thanx for responding ... I figured it out... When making my new postad.ini file I extracted the post txt section and I did not include the header of the mutil.ini...

    Anyway... it works now... :)

    IB Joe
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of Joe's BBS

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)