• Re: FTP

    From Andre Robitaille@1:229/2 to Flavio Bessa on Sunday, August 23, 2020 20:14:31
    From: nospam.Andre.Robitaille@f70.n154.z1.binkp.net

    On 22 Aug 2020, Flavio Bessa said the following...

    Help says that the syntax is "dir <filespec>" but I have tried everything...

    Where am I missing?

    "dir *.*" maybe?

    - Andre

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  • From Flavio Bessa@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, August 22, 2020 14:23:39
    From: nospam.Flavio.Bessa@p1.f189.n801.z4.binkp.net

    Hello everybody.

    This is embarassing, but...

    I have setup a FTP server under Mystic, and have one directory called Offline.

    When I log on, I type "cd Offline" and then try to run the "dir" command, which never works...

    Help says that the syntax is "dir <filespec>" but I have tried everything...

    Where am I missing?


    ... " pro Fantstico?""No, para a HS!""Ahh..." - Reptile,

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  • From g00r00@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, August 23, 2020 21:14:36
    From: nospam.g00r00@f215.n129.z1.binkp.net

    Help says that the syntax is "dir <filespec>" but I have tried everything...

    The message you see is coming from your FTP client, not Mystic's FTP server. "dir" isn't a function of FTP (some FTP clients try to make them work like a DOS shell or a Linux shell).

    I can't provide any more information based on what you've shown so far. Have you tried a different client or looked at tried turning on debug level
    logging for MIS to see what the FTP server says?

    Most of the time people struggle with FTP its because they don't open the
    ports on their router to allow the FTP port range.

    I would also suggest to use the latest A46 build.

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    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Andre Robitaille@1:229/2 to Flavio Bessa on Sunday, August 23, 2020 20:23:46
    From: nospam.Andre.Robitaille@f70.n154.z1.binkp.net

    On 22 Aug 2020, Flavio Bessa said the following...

    Help says that the syntax is "dir <filespec>" but I have tried everything...

    Ah, nevermind... I see now that was coming from the help file. Filespec just means it can optionally take more information to narrow the results.

    Can you paste in the full text of you trying to change directory, the server response, then your dir command and the server response?

    - Andre

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