• Running Interactive Fiction Doors

    From Divarin@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, November 03, 2021 08:38:38
    From: divarin@mutinybbs.com.remove-y9l-this

    Hey all, I have a question. If you want to run an IF game that was not made to be a door, as a door, such as an infocom game, how do you keep the users
    from saving their game in any arbitrary directory. For example how do
    you keep them from saving their game as c:\autoexec.bat or something?
    Is there a door program that is available to interpret these games? If so can someone point me in the right direction?

    I'm thinking specifically about adding an IF game I made years ago to my BBS, it was written in inform7 and I've been able to get it to sort of work as a door by running it through git for dos and having that run through DoorWay but I can't seem to find a way to prevent the user from saving (or attempting to load) their game from any arbitrary directory.
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  • From DaiTengu@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, November 18, 2021 00:46:26
    From: daitengu@warensemble.com.remove-od9-this

    To: Divarin
    Re: Running Interactive Fiction Doors
    By: Divarin to All on Wed Nov 03 2021 08:38 am

    Hey all, I have a question. If you want to run an IF game that was not made to be a door, as a door, such as an infocom game, how do you keep the users from saving their game in any arbitrary directory. For example how do you keep them from saving their game as c:\autoexec.bat or something? Is there a door program that is available to interpret these games? If so can someone point me in the right direction?

    Heh, I was just thinking about doing this today. I discovered that an a game, "And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One" actually uses my BBS and dialup number as an in-game plot point.

    Maybe I'll do some digging if I get some free time.


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    * War Ensemble BBS - Appleton, WI - telnet://warensemble.com

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